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Mentors are the backbone of SWAB. They are paired with children every event day to go shopping.


On event day, two UGA students are paired together with an elementary student from the Athens community (known as a mentee). Each participating UGA student raises $60 before event day for a combined total of $120 per mentee.

Mentors can either pick their partner or go random and make a new friend.

How Event Day WOrks

On event day, mentors and mentees spend the day together shopping, wrapping gifts, and enjoying fun activities

event DAY WILL BE ON November 10TH THIS YEAR!


sign ups are closed for this year! Check Back Next March for Event Day 2025

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- Raise $60, so that your mentee can have a total budget of $120

- Attend a mandatory mentor training the week of event day

-Turn in a background check and registration fee of $20

- Come to event day during your assigned shift time and have fun!

Mentor FAQ

What if I don’t have a partner?

No worries, this is common, we will assign you one.

How can I fundraise?

We will help you set up a Mightycause account and then be in contact with you later on the best ways to raise your $60. Here are some basic ideas: babysitting, facebook or social media pushes, selling baked goods, selling bracelets, offering to drive people places for $5.

What if I have a time conflict with part of event day?

Not a problem. We need to know about this as far in advance as possible and then we can assign you a shift that will also fit in your time schedule. Note: we can not guarantee this if you let us know in the week before Event Day.

What do we do at event day besides shop?

How long is event day?

You wrap gifts, hang out and play games with your mentees, and get a breakfast/lunch.

As a mentor you will be assigned a 4 hour shift. You are not going to be there the entire day because we have multiple shifts of groups.

What does being a mentor entail?

Besides actual event day, mentors have to raise $60 for their kid to shop with. Mentors also have to attend a roughly 1 hour mentor training the week before event day. If any mentors want to be more involved in the inner workings of SWAB before event day, always feel free to contact us.

Do I get to pick the kid that I am assigned to?

Can I pick my time slot for event day?

We will assign your mentee on event day.

Unfortunately, you cannot. We have so many mentors it would be impossible to let everyone pick their slot. However, if you sign up during Early Bird Sign Up in the spring, your shift preference will be more of a priority.

What if I can’t make mentor training?

We will host a zoom for those that cannot make the in person time. But it is a mandatory part of being a mentor.

If I raise more than $60, does the kid that I shop with get to spend more money?

No, we want every kid to have the same fair experience on event day. But, when you raise more money, it allows us to invite more kids to the event.

Am I guaranteed to mentor a Spanish speaking child or a child with a disability if I am interested in doing so?

No, this is not a guarantee, because we do not know how many mentors will sign up with these experiences.

Do I need to drive to and from event day?

You need to drive to the event day venue itself, but we provide transportation to and from Walmart.

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